Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Day 9 - Gen. 37-40 - Joseph the Dreamer

'Joseph the Dreamer' 
            (pic from

Day 9 - Gen. 37-40
 *Joseph and his dreams* 
 Joseph was Jacob’s beloved son. He loved him because he was the son of his old age born to his beloved wife Rachel.  Joseph was 17 years old when he received dreams (Gen. 37: 7, 9). He went through so many sufferings and distresses for 13 years. At last, when he was about thirty his dreams came to pass (Gen. 41:46). He became the prime minister of Egypt. 

What do we learn from his dreams?

*God has a plan for every child’s future.

*God reveals his plan even to children.

* God reveals his plan through dreams or visions.

*The dreams may be greater than our imagination.
*Some may not like God’s plan for our future.
*No one can destroy God’s plan for our life.

*The steps toward fulfilling our dreams may not be what we expect.

*The steps may be painful.

*God will organize people and the situations to lead us in every step.

*God will give us His grace wherever we are and whatever may be the situation.

*Our faithfulness to God will be thoroughly tested.

* Sometimes it may seem like all is gone.

* We need to be sure that God is with us.

*God will be with us, if we really trust Him.

*God will surely fulfill his plan in His time.

*At the end we will be astonished to see our dreams fulfilled. 

 Young people! Ask the Lord to show you His plan. 
'Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him and He will act. (Psalm 37:5)

God Bless You
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Bro. Joshua

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