Thursday, July 30, 2020

Day 16 Exodus 15 - Let's Singing and Dancing

Singing and Dancing 

The first song in the Bible is the Song of Moses, found in Exodus 15.

 Israel had been living as slaves for 400 years in Egypt. And then God delivered them through miracles and plagues and then protected them from their army by dividing the red sea. They could walk triumphantly on the dry land. After that, they were celebrating the victory of God by singing and dancing. 

So, we see singing and dancing is biblical.

 Moses seemingly wrote the song and led them; because we see Moses as a song writer in Psalm 90 too. When Moses and Israelites sang songs praising the Lord and His victory and Miriam and the women danced. 

The first verse says, “I will sing to the Lord, for he is highly exalted. The horse and its rider he has hurled into the sea.” The same verse is repeated by Miriam in verse 21. So repeating the song sang by someone became a practice in Israel. 

As the Song of Moses is the first song in the Bible; remarkably, it’s also one of the last. In Revelation 15, we read about a worship set in Heaven; it says they sing two songs: The Song of the Lamb, and the Song of Moses.

Heaven is still singing the Song of Moses. The holy angels in heaven are singing songs written by lowly man on earth. .” 

Psalm 96:1 says, “Sing to the Lord a new song.” So, if the Lord has given you the talents to compose new songs, please do it. 

The Lord has done great miracles in our lives too. Why don’t we glorify the Lord with our singing and dancing as Moses, Miriam and Israelites did?

God Bless you
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