Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Day: 15 Exodus: 10-14 The Exodus

 Tell Your Children?
 Exodus 10.1-2
Although God’s miracles did not soften the king’s heart, they did show the Israelites how powerful God really was, God told Moses the Israelites needed to tell their children about these miracles so future generations would know about God's love and power. 

It is up to us to make sure that future generations know about God's miracles and His love for us. Whether or not? 

-We HAVE children of our own, we should do all we can to get God’s Word into the hearts and minds of children.

-We SHOULD share with them how God has worked in our lives. 

We MUST tell them what God can do in their lives, too. We can read the Bible to them or tell them some Bible stories.

Most of all, we can love all children as God does.

A Night to Remember
 Exodus 12.24-25
The Passover was not to be observed just this one time in Egypt. It was also to be celebrated each year after the Israelites had reached the land God had promised them. God wanted his people to remember this night forever because he wanted them to remember how he rescued them from bondage.

 Holidays such as Passover, Good Friday, Easter, and Christmas are good times for us to remember what God has done for us.

 These special times are also excellent opportunities for parents to teach their children about the LORD’S goodness and faithfulness to His people.

 Which Way Is Best?
 Exodus 13.17-22
The Shortest path from Egypt to Canaan was a sandy, desert route. The Israelites could have made the trip in two or three weeks by taking this path, but God didn’t lead them on the easiest, most convenient route. Instead, He took them on a longer trip to protect His people. No doubt, the Israelites who knew geography wondered about the wisdom of God’s leadership. By human standards, this route made no sense.

God was laying an inescapable trap for the Egyptians. He was also preparing another exciting display of His power to rescue his people.

God does not always work in the way that seems easiest to us. Many times, the road He leads us on is not the shortest, or the most comfortable, or the most convenient.

God looks at the trip from an eternal viewpoint. He sees where we were yesterday, where are today, and where we will be tomorrow. 

God is our only true guide. Amen

God Bless you
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