Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Day 14 Ex 6-9 Reasons for Plagues

Reasons for Plagues

-Everything happens for a season and a reason because God is in control of the situation.
 -The plagues represented God’s judgment on those who were reluctant to repent.

God sent the plagues for two purposes :-

-To show the Israelites that the God of their fathers was alive and worthy of their worship 
-To show the Egyptians that their gods were nothing.

Reasons for the Plagues:-
1. God sent the plagues because Pharaoh refused to let go of the Israelites.             
2. Through the plagues God revealed his powers to the Egyptians and the Israelites. 
3. Because of slavery and bitter life, they were losing faith in God who brought them to Egypt.  So God wanted to re-build the faith of the Israelites.                                                                                   
4. The Israelites were treated harshly, so God wanted to deliver his people and execute judgment on the Egyptians.                                                                         
5. The pride of the Egyptians was destroyed when they witnessed and experienced the plagues. Some turned to trust the God of Israel.  They joined the Israelites in their Exodus.                                                                                                             
6. The plagues proved that God of Israelites alone had control over heaven, earth and all nature.                                                                                                            
7. The plagues shook the Egyptian trust in their God and the Israelites experienced God’s love and his zeal for his people.                                                                      
8. The faith of the Israelites in their God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob was restored and strengthened.                                                                                                       
9. By the time the Israelites left Egypt, they had a clear picture of God’s power, God’s protection and God’s plan for them.                                                     
10. Those who believed, they were convinced that they served the true and living God. Sadly, many still failed to believe, which led to other trials and lessons by God. 

11. When God opened a way through the Red Sea for the Israelites, they drowned all of Pharaoh’s armies there and the power of Egypt was crushed, and the fear of God spread through the surrounding nations.

Joshua 2:9-11  “This was the very purpose that God had declared at the beginning. We can still look back on these events today to confirm our faith in, and our fear of, this true and living God, the Judge of all the earth”.

Thus the plagues demonstrated Man’s helplessness and God’s complete control. 
-Whatever may be our problems, we just need to put our full trust in God.

God Bless you
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