Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Day 1 - 270 Days Bible Reading and Meditating Program

"Let there be light"

The portion of the Bible chosen to be read from the Bible is Genesis 1 to 4.

Beginning of creation.

The first eleven chapters of the book of Genesis is arranged as a prologue  or a preface to the book.

        In the first part, the immense glory of God is revealed.

 The order of creation can be classified into seven parts:

They are as follows :
1. The Light:    Genesis chapter 1 verses 1 to 5 

2. The water:    Genesis chapter 1 verses  6 to 10

3. The Earth:      Genesis chapter 1 verses 11 - 13 

4. Sun and moon: Genesis chapter 1 verses 14 to19. 

5. Living things: chapter 1 verses 20 - 23

6.  Breath: Genesis chapter 1 : 24 -31 

7.  Fullness:   Genesis chapter 2 verses 1- 3.

        The works of creation can very well be seen , in the first two chapters of the book of Genesis. And both of these describe the same act of creation and their witnesses.

          God made the world from nothing. God did not need any matter or matters to create this world. And all thrse we have believed and agreed with the  Truth. 


Genesis  1:3.  And God said  "Let there be light, and  there was Light.

       As we observe diligently and intently, we understand,  when He made light, we see the inception of the light has caused deliverance,  redemption, and the needful basis for salvation. 

John 1:5 says " God is Light and in Him is no darkness  at all "

 Light denotes understanding, Holiness, and righteousness,  while darkness is the cause of all sins,  evil, and folly.

  "That (He)  was the ' true  'light, that lighteth every man which cometh into the world". *Jn 1:9.

   But for this light,  there is no other light, for us to be saved, through the Truth. 

         Once it has happened to Apostle Paul on his way to Damascus, to see this light by himself. Since then, his life was changed altogether. 
   ( Acts 9:3, 26:13)

At first, when we set our faith on JESUS,  the Light of God began to shine in our hearts. Now we have fellowship with  God,  and brothers as we start to walk in the Light.  

          Even today God pronounces  "Let there be light" in every man. 

            May we receive this LIGHT and receive the glorious life. 

God Bless You
Bro. Joshua 

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