Monday, July 27, 2020

Day 13 - Exodus 2 The Preparation Time

Do we value what God has given us?

Whatever we value in our life, we give it our everything to protect it or to help sustain it. But whatever we don’t, we do not generally care about it.

Chapter 2 speaks about Gods plan of preparing the Leader for the Israelite's for their deliverance from Egypt, from their slavery and bondage.

Enter the Deliverance Leader named Moses!

The story of the birth of Moses! Since Moses himself has wrote these , what is noteworthy is that he is very modest about his description of his parents. Ordinary parents living in bondage from the tribe of Levi. Moses reveals their names only in the 6th chapter, Amram and Jochebed.
Heb11:23, Acts7:22 gives a lot more insights on Moses birth and childhood than Moses himself.

Exodus 2:2, NIV: "and she became pregnant and gave birth to a son. When she saw that he was a fine child, she hid him for three months." 

Exodus 2:2, NASB: "The woman conceived and bore a son; and when she saw that he was beautiful, she hid him for three months."

Exodus 2:2, NLT: "The woman became pregnant and gave birth to a son. She saw that he was a special baby and kept him hidden for three months."

Please note the adjectives to describe the baby in different translations.
*Fine child, beautiful, special baby…*

And Moses was not the first child of this couple. His parents were definitely proud of him, and valued him which is evident through the above description and the turn of events to come. As per the prevailing law, he would have been thrown into the Nile river and died. But his mother chose to disobey this evil decree  to save her child. Just imagine how difficult it would have been to hide a newborn baby due to the persistent baby cries etc, and even more difficult when considering the future of this baby.
When we take the first step, God takes care of the remaining steps for us. God rewarded her efforts through miraculous turn of events. She eventually got to wean her own baby and even got paid for it.

My dear friends, do we value our relationships, do we consider how beautiful our children are, do we value the Jobs that we have? Do we value the provisions God has made for us?
Once we value them we go to any lengths to save them, and that’s when God enters the picture.

When we honor God, God honors us! 

What a God we serve, May His Name be glorified always!

God Bless you
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