Friday, July 31, 2020

Day 17 Ex 18 – 22 A Kingdom of Royal Priests for God

Priestly Kingdom

Ex : 19:6  “You shall be for me, a priestly kingdom and a holy nation”.
1 Pet 2 : 9 “ You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation. Gods’ own people”. 
In Christ, we are a holy nation of royal priests.  We are chosen to be God’s own possession and He created us to be “royal priests” for Him. We have to serve God with all our heart, but priesthood goes beyond simply going to church, reading the Bible, and sharing the Gospel. 

What does it means to be a “priest” of God?

The scriptures tells us that all those who are in Christ are His royal priests. In the Old Covenant, under the Mosaic Law, it was the tribe of Levi who served as priests for the entire nation of Israel. But this was not God’s original intention for His people. Even in those days, He looked forward to a day when He would have an entire nation of priests. (Ex: 19:5-6)

 As royal priests, we have priestly duties…

1.To serve the people.  Priests serve the church community. Even Jesus (who is referred to as our High Priest) humbly washed the feet of His disciples. We have to serve others without any expectation to be served in return.

2.To intercede on behalf of others.  When we intercede in prayer, we are “intervening” on behalf of someone else. We intercede for their healing, their restoration, or their salvation. Very easily our prayer lives become self-focused but God wants us to prayer for those around us.

3. To offer spiritual sacrifices. Heb 13: 15-16 tells us to lift up sacrifices of praise to  God. Under Mosaic Law, the priests offered animal sacrifices to God, but Jesus put an end to that system on the cross, becoming our ultimate sacrifice once and for all. Now we have the privilege of offering spiritual sacrifices to our Father by surrendering all we have to Him.

4.To share the priesthood with others:  Being a nation of priests, we are not alone in our priesthood. We get to share our duties with all those who are part of the Kingdom of God.  Our crucial duty is to lead others into the Kingdom, creating a larger nation of priests!

5.To live set apart.  The Levites, the chosen priests of Israel, were set apart to perform the priestly duties and led a different life than the people they served. In the same way, we are called to be holy and set apart for God.

6.To proclaim God’s goodness.  As royal priests, we have the privilege of proclaiming the Good News to the world. Our God is an awesome God indeed!

7.To spend time in the presence of God. Prior to Christ, only the High Priest could enter the Holy of Holies where God’s presence dwelt. (only once a year)  When Christ died, the veil was torn in two allowing all to enter and approach the Father. 

The scriptures tells us, we are the temple of the Holy Spirit because the presence of God now lives inside each one of us.

As royal priests, we have direct access to the presence of God and are empowered by Him to carry out all our priestly duties.

A Great Blessing bestowed by God upon each one of us. Amen.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Day 16 Exodus 15 - Let's Singing and Dancing

Singing and Dancing 

The first song in the Bible is the Song of Moses, found in Exodus 15.

 Israel had been living as slaves for 400 years in Egypt. And then God delivered them through miracles and plagues and then protected them from their army by dividing the red sea. They could walk triumphantly on the dry land. After that, they were celebrating the victory of God by singing and dancing. 

So, we see singing and dancing is biblical.

 Moses seemingly wrote the song and led them; because we see Moses as a song writer in Psalm 90 too. When Moses and Israelites sang songs praising the Lord and His victory and Miriam and the women danced. 

The first verse says, “I will sing to the Lord, for he is highly exalted. The horse and its rider he has hurled into the sea.” The same verse is repeated by Miriam in verse 21. So repeating the song sang by someone became a practice in Israel. 

As the Song of Moses is the first song in the Bible; remarkably, it’s also one of the last. In Revelation 15, we read about a worship set in Heaven; it says they sing two songs: The Song of the Lamb, and the Song of Moses.

Heaven is still singing the Song of Moses. The holy angels in heaven are singing songs written by lowly man on earth. .” 

Psalm 96:1 says, “Sing to the Lord a new song.” So, if the Lord has given you the talents to compose new songs, please do it. 

The Lord has done great miracles in our lives too. Why don’t we glorify the Lord with our singing and dancing as Moses, Miriam and Israelites did?

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Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Day 15 - Exodus 14 Our God is Great and Mighty

Exodus 14:10:- “The sons of Israel looked, and behold, the Egyptians were marching after them, and they became very frightened; so the sons of Israel cried out to the Lord.”
God miraculously delivered the Israelites from Egypt and guided them as they set out on their journey. 

What happens next?

The Israelites were trapped. 

The Egyptian army chased them, and the Israelites ended up stuck at the Red Sea. 

There was no way out. 

The Red Sea was in front of them, and the Egyptians were chasing them from behind. 

They could either go forward and be drowned in the Red Sea, or they could turn back and be slaughtered by the Egyptian army.

Here the Red Sea is  like a closed future for the Israelites. 

Have you ever felt like you don’t know what to do next? Like you’re in front of a sea?  You feel stuck, like you’re paralyzed, insecure and unsure of your next step.
Do you ever fear the future because you have no idea what you’re supposed to do?

I had, and the feeling is not a good one.But as Mosses told the Israelites in Exodus 14:13-14, “Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the LORD, which he will work for you today.” As God was with the Israelites, God is intentional in all that he does. That night, over one million people crossed the Red Sea on dry land.

*Our God is so great and mighty!* 

*Our Lord can handle any problems.* 

*Believe, have faith and trust the Lord to part our Red Sea of circumstances!*

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Day: 15 Exodus: 10-14 The Exodus

 Tell Your Children?
 Exodus 10.1-2
Although God’s miracles did not soften the king’s heart, they did show the Israelites how powerful God really was, God told Moses the Israelites needed to tell their children about these miracles so future generations would know about God's love and power. 

It is up to us to make sure that future generations know about God's miracles and His love for us. Whether or not? 

-We HAVE children of our own, we should do all we can to get God’s Word into the hearts and minds of children.

-We SHOULD share with them how God has worked in our lives. 

We MUST tell them what God can do in their lives, too. We can read the Bible to them or tell them some Bible stories.

Most of all, we can love all children as God does.

A Night to Remember
 Exodus 12.24-25
The Passover was not to be observed just this one time in Egypt. It was also to be celebrated each year after the Israelites had reached the land God had promised them. God wanted his people to remember this night forever because he wanted them to remember how he rescued them from bondage.

 Holidays such as Passover, Good Friday, Easter, and Christmas are good times for us to remember what God has done for us.

 These special times are also excellent opportunities for parents to teach their children about the LORD’S goodness and faithfulness to His people.

 Which Way Is Best?
 Exodus 13.17-22
The Shortest path from Egypt to Canaan was a sandy, desert route. The Israelites could have made the trip in two or three weeks by taking this path, but God didn’t lead them on the easiest, most convenient route. Instead, He took them on a longer trip to protect His people. No doubt, the Israelites who knew geography wondered about the wisdom of God’s leadership. By human standards, this route made no sense.

God was laying an inescapable trap for the Egyptians. He was also preparing another exciting display of His power to rescue his people.

God does not always work in the way that seems easiest to us. Many times, the road He leads us on is not the shortest, or the most comfortable, or the most convenient.

God looks at the trip from an eternal viewpoint. He sees where we were yesterday, where are today, and where we will be tomorrow. 

God is our only true guide. Amen

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Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Day 14 Ex 6-9 Reasons for Plagues

Reasons for Plagues

-Everything happens for a season and a reason because God is in control of the situation.
 -The plagues represented God’s judgment on those who were reluctant to repent.

God sent the plagues for two purposes :-

-To show the Israelites that the God of their fathers was alive and worthy of their worship 
-To show the Egyptians that their gods were nothing.

Reasons for the Plagues:-
1. God sent the plagues because Pharaoh refused to let go of the Israelites.             
2. Through the plagues God revealed his powers to the Egyptians and the Israelites. 
3. Because of slavery and bitter life, they were losing faith in God who brought them to Egypt.  So God wanted to re-build the faith of the Israelites.                                                                                   
4. The Israelites were treated harshly, so God wanted to deliver his people and execute judgment on the Egyptians.                                                                         
5. The pride of the Egyptians was destroyed when they witnessed and experienced the plagues. Some turned to trust the God of Israel.  They joined the Israelites in their Exodus.                                                                                                             
6. The plagues proved that God of Israelites alone had control over heaven, earth and all nature.                                                                                                            
7. The plagues shook the Egyptian trust in their God and the Israelites experienced God’s love and his zeal for his people.                                                                      
8. The faith of the Israelites in their God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob was restored and strengthened.                                                                                                       
9. By the time the Israelites left Egypt, they had a clear picture of God’s power, God’s protection and God’s plan for them.                                                     
10. Those who believed, they were convinced that they served the true and living God. Sadly, many still failed to believe, which led to other trials and lessons by God. 

11. When God opened a way through the Red Sea for the Israelites, they drowned all of Pharaoh’s armies there and the power of Egypt was crushed, and the fear of God spread through the surrounding nations.

Joshua 2:9-11  “This was the very purpose that God had declared at the beginning. We can still look back on these events today to confirm our faith in, and our fear of, this true and living God, the Judge of all the earth”.

Thus the plagues demonstrated Man’s helplessness and God’s complete control. 
-Whatever may be our problems, we just need to put our full trust in God.

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Day 14 - " Time is Changing"

Exodus 6
" The Times They Are A-Changing" 

The Israelite's are about to face some real tough times, as Moses and Aaron approach the Pharaoh to allow them to conduct the sacrifices in the desert 3 days distance away from their settlement.
The Pharaoh did not consent to this, as he did not know who God was.
Instead he only increased the level of harassment for the Israelite's.
So they complained to Moses and Moses in turn complained to God.
But God having heard the cries of His people, wanted to help them out of their misery and expected Moses to believe that and convey the same to his people

God works in our lives too, but sometimes we are not too sure about it.

Phil 1:4 says ‘For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.’

God does not have to depend upon His creation to fulfill His works, but it is the creation that depends upon God to get their work done.

Verse 6 :
“Therefore, say to the Israelites: `I am the LORD, and I will bring you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians. I will free you from being slaves to them, and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with mighty acts of judgment. I will take you as my own people, and I will be your God. ... I am the LORD.”
Note how many times does the Lord says, “I am the Lord”

V 6 to 8, God re-reiterates
 7 things that  “ I will ”

7 things lets list it down:-

1 I will bring you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians
2 I will free you from being slaves to them
3 I will redeem you with an outstretched arm
4 I will take you as my own people
5 I will be your God
6 I will bring you to the land I swore
7 I will give it to you as a possession

If you look carefully at the above promises, they are for us as well. If you have accepted Christ Jesus as your Savior, then my dear brothers and sisters, Jesus has given us these 7 promises as well and He is more than capable to bring it to pass. 

The Promised Land of Canaan represents the spiritual land(not essentially Heaven) for all of us in Christ, He wants us to be partakers of this spiritual journey but He also expects us to walk spiritually to experience these spiritual Gifts that God has promised us.

Ephesians 4:1 “As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received”
We have heard of many beggars who has lakhs of money in their accounts havent we, but still continue  to live in absolute misery and beg all their lives. We can compare this to a lot of Christians who live as paupers by not utilizing the spiritual gifts bestowed upon us by God and therefore not experiencing the spiritual blessings ordained for us.

Beloved in Christ, sometimes certain setbacks in life creates a lot of self doubts within us just like Moses experienced. Many occasions we feel the situation is beyond us, not trusting on Gods calling because we get overwhelmed by it. Moses too went through this.
But when we look towards God in prayer and trust His calling, we will be able to lead a victorious life!

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Monday, July 27, 2020

Day 13 - Exodus 2 The Preparation Time

Do we value what God has given us?

Whatever we value in our life, we give it our everything to protect it or to help sustain it. But whatever we don’t, we do not generally care about it.

Chapter 2 speaks about Gods plan of preparing the Leader for the Israelite's for their deliverance from Egypt, from their slavery and bondage.

Enter the Deliverance Leader named Moses!

The story of the birth of Moses! Since Moses himself has wrote these , what is noteworthy is that he is very modest about his description of his parents. Ordinary parents living in bondage from the tribe of Levi. Moses reveals their names only in the 6th chapter, Amram and Jochebed.
Heb11:23, Acts7:22 gives a lot more insights on Moses birth and childhood than Moses himself.

Exodus 2:2, NIV: "and she became pregnant and gave birth to a son. When she saw that he was a fine child, she hid him for three months." 

Exodus 2:2, NASB: "The woman conceived and bore a son; and when she saw that he was beautiful, she hid him for three months."

Exodus 2:2, NLT: "The woman became pregnant and gave birth to a son. She saw that he was a special baby and kept him hidden for three months."

Please note the adjectives to describe the baby in different translations.
*Fine child, beautiful, special baby…*

And Moses was not the first child of this couple. His parents were definitely proud of him, and valued him which is evident through the above description and the turn of events to come. As per the prevailing law, he would have been thrown into the Nile river and died. But his mother chose to disobey this evil decree  to save her child. Just imagine how difficult it would have been to hide a newborn baby due to the persistent baby cries etc, and even more difficult when considering the future of this baby.
When we take the first step, God takes care of the remaining steps for us. God rewarded her efforts through miraculous turn of events. She eventually got to wean her own baby and even got paid for it.

My dear friends, do we value our relationships, do we consider how beautiful our children are, do we value the Jobs that we have? Do we value the provisions God has made for us?
Once we value them we go to any lengths to save them, and that’s when God enters the picture.

When we honor God, God honors us! 

What a God we serve, May His Name be glorified always!

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Sunday, July 26, 2020

Day 12- Blessing on Judah

Jacob blessed all 12 of his sons that they were to be a part of the nation Israel. 

Some of them certainly received a greater blessing than others. Judah was one of them. He received the blessing of first born, the leadership. 

What was the reason?

He blessed them based on their characteristics, capabilities and strength they had shown in the past.  

He foretold what would become of each of them and their descendants as per their characters. Yes their characters affected their descendants too.  

In Genesis 49:8-12 we read about Judah’s blessings, “Judah, your brothers shall praise you; Your hand shall be on the neck of your enemies; Your father’s sons shall bow down to you. Judah is a lion’s whelp; From the prey, my son, you have gone up. He couches, he lies down as a lion, And as a lion, who dares rouse him up? The scepter shall not depart from Judah, Nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet, Until Shiloh comes, And to him shall be the obedience of the peoples. He ties his foal to the vine, And his donkey’s colt to the choice vine; He washes his garments in wine, And his robes in the blood of grapes. His eyes are dull from wine. And his teeth white from milk.

Judah's name signifies praise. God was praised for him, Genesis 29:35, therefore his brethren shall praise him. Always praising the Lord should go first. Because Reuben, Simeon, and Levi seemed to be evil in Jacob’s eyes and they had disqualified themselves to receive the blessings which belong to the first born. Judah received the leadership of the tribes and the blessing that normally went to the first-born. Judah exhibited courage and took leadership in some incidents. His father and brothers agreed to him. This is how the leadership of Israel and the Messianic line fell to Judah. Judah should be a strong and courageous tribe. Judah should be the royal tribe, the tribe from which Messiah the Prince should come. 

He protected his younger brothers and accepted his faults (Gen. 44:16). So he was blessed with material blessings.  “He washes his garments in wine” means prosperity.  If God desires to bless us according to our characters, can we receive blessings?

Are our parents pleased with us? Can we receive blessings from our parents?

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Saturday, July 25, 2020

Day 11 Genesis 44-47 Joseph’s economic planning

Joseph’s economic planning 

Joseph grew up counting nothing more complicated than sheep. He rose from slavery to be the second most powerful man in Egypt.

Joseph is given knowledge by God of a coming crop failure.  With Gods inspiration and blessing he works through the situation for the benefit of all.  But there are consequences of his actions, for the Egyptians and for his own descendants.

Economic planning
🔹He organizes a one-fifth levy on the Egyptians’ harvests and has the grain deposited in stores, to be used during the seven years of famine that will come upon Egypt, so that the country may not be ruined by the famine (Gen 41:34-36). 
🔹The 20 percent tax is something new to the Egyptians – not welcome.  But they give because they have grain to spare. However, the grain is not given free to them during the years of famine. The Egyptians buy their own confiscated grain with their savings, thereby paying twice (Gen 41:55-56).

🔹Joseph stores up all the money / silver in Pharaoh’s palace that was found in Egypt and Canaan. (Gen 47:13-15).   He did not re-circulate the money into the Egyptian economy.  There was a sharp reduction in the money supply and in the velocity of money. 

🔹Instead of using the strategy of borrowing and investing money, Joseph does the opposite. The Egyptians, sell their livestock, their land and ultimately themselves to pay for food. They are willing slaves (Gen 47:19). Joseph takes possession of everything aside from the priest’s land.  Gen 47:21 states that he moved the people into cities, displacing them from their homes, to work the land on Pharaoh’s behalf, and continuing to pay him 20 percent of the harvest

🔹There are two ways to conquer and enslave a country. One is by the sword. The other is by debt. 400 years later the Egyptians were still farming the land their ancestors had sold to Pharaoh and paying him 20 percent of their harvests (Gen 47:26).

🔹Joseph enslaves the Egyptians. Some years later, a new Pharaoh enslaves the free Israelites (Ex 1) and they are treated more harshly than the Egyptians.

Gods’ Role.  Where was God in this? 

1.God foretold the Israelites’ enslavement to Abraham in Gen 15:13. 

2.God’s revealed strategy for the Egyptian economy was a judgment on the nation and not a blessing. 

3. The enslavement of a nation cannot possibly be taken as something good. It's hard to understand Josephs’ behavior, but this is God's overall plan. Joseph’s management of the economy and centralization paved the way for the Exodus, 400 years later. 

4. Joseph acts in an extremely shrewd way, but he does so with God’s blessings.
5. Reference to 'God being with him' tells us the fact that God was working His purposes out, which continue to this day. This is a testimony to God's love, which involves God’s patience, human being involved and individual talent, all part of His remarkable redemptive plan for mankind. 

What are the warnings for us from Josephs’ story, and what can we learn from this about our own response to personal / national debt and financial crisis?

What does the scriptures from Jacob through to the Exodus, teach us about God’s sovereignty ?

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Friday, July 24, 2020

Day 11 Genesis 45 'Everything is good from God'

Genesis 45:5 :- "Now, don't be sad or angry with yourselves that you sold me. God sent me ahead of you to save lives."

The story of Joseph begins in Genesis 37.
Joseph had a lot of things going his way in life at first. 

He was handsome. 
He was the first son born to Jacob through Rachel, and therefore, 
He was his father’s favorite son. 
He had great dreams..  

But One day his entire life changed. Joseph went from a place of honor to the lowest level of Egyptian society. 

But later in Genesis, we see God use this suffering to save Joseph’s family.

In the same way, God deeply loved His Son, Jesus, and sent Him to save a world that hated Him. Jesus was stripped from His place of honor with God and died a horrific death on the cross. 

Through His suffering, Jesus paid for our sin and rescued us from God’s wrath.

Jesus warned us that we’d have problems in life.  No one is immune from pain or insulated from suffering.Problems force us to look to God and depend on him instead of ourselves. Weakness is an opportunity for God to work powerfully in our lives.

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are ... but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass,  (Romans 8:28)
Troubles come into our life to do something important to God and possibly even life-saving to others. When we truly accept and trust God,

📍we can plan for the future without worrying about it. 
📍We can face our problems with a peace of mind.  
📍We can forgive those who’ve hurt us knowing God can use our pain for his glory. 

*God is in control every minute of every day today and always.*

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Day 2 : Genesis 4: 1ff ' An Unauthorized Offering"

Gen. 4: 1 Cain and Abel brought presents to the Lord.

The Lord approved the offering of Abel, but the offering of Cain was not approved. Because God recognized Abel before Abel's gift was approved, so his gift was approved.

But God did not recognize Cain because God knew Cain better than Cain. God revealed what he was like because he did not recognize the offering.(Proverbs 21:27).  The heart of Cain was not right with God and especially with his own brother. If we are able to love those who are close to us the how can we say I Love God who is unreasonable. Today many of believer are having heart of non believer, God hates such people. Following are majority find among us easily, even many good believer are easily got trapped in this character.
 1) Non believer 
- Genesis 4: 3,4 (Heb 11: 4)
2) Angry - Genesis 4: 5
3) Unconscious - Genesis 4: 6,7
4) Conspirator - Genesis 4: 8
5) The killer - Genesis 4: 8
6) Liar - Genesis 4: 9
7) The one who argues- Genesis 4: 9

"Our deeds are acceptable to God only when we are pleasing to Him. Our actions are also approved by God only if we are approved by God."

 “Do Not Be Like Cain” (1 John 3:12).

 # Amen !!

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Day 10 Genesis 43:1 *Don’t be afraid, God is in control.*

Genesis 43: 1:- “Now the famine was severe in the land.”

The famine was severe and it is threatening to kill the people of God, 

In the midst of this crisis in Egypt, Jacob and his family lived in Canaan.

Jacob sent his sons to Egypt for grain. 

Jacob is still under the sorrow of losing Joseph. 
So he did not allow his youngest son, Benjamin, to go for fear of losing him too. 

But Joseph was in Egypt and had been elevated to a position of authority. 

As his sons headed to Egypt, Jacob had no idea that the journey would lead to a family reunion.

God often shows up in the most unexpected situations.

Some times we may be going through an emotional and spiritual affliction can lead to what I call a "famine of the heart." 

The famine of the heart is a time of distress, and it may often result in total dryness. 

When our heart is extremely hungry, we grow more confused, hopeless and weary with each day. 
It may lead us to depression and the pain will never stop.

Here in these  pits, we may wonder: “Does God really care, is He good?”

But Believe!!!!!!  

In the toughest times, God is waiting for the perfect opportunity to bless us.

We  may be going through an emotional, spiritual or financial famine. 

*Don’t be afraid, God is in control.* 

Think back over last year.

How did God unexpectedly bless us?

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Day 09 Genesis - 39 *"OVERCOMING TEMPTATIONS"*


  *" How then could I do such a wicked thing and sin against God?* Genesis. 39:9.

 *Everyone faces temptations. It could be sex, money, name, fame ..* Some come out victoriously whereas many others fail miserably.

 The life of Joseph gives us wonderful lessons in overcoming temptations. He was a Jewish young man in Egypt, away from his dear ones but living very close to his God. He was unmarried and nearly 28 years when this incident happened.

*..Joseph was well built and handsome, and after a while his master's wife took notice of Joseph and said , " Come to bed with me"* Gen.39:6,7.

1). Joseph took the responsibility of his action." How then could I "..... He always lived in the presence of God. He was not willing to put the blame on his circumstances.

2). Joseph recognizes sin. He recognised the desire of Potiphar's wife as something wicked and terrible. 

3). Joseph respond to God.  Joseph acted in such a way that he didn't disappoint God.

4).  Joseph refused to be near the source of sin.( Gen.39:10) He refused to be with the wife of Potiphar.

 We should avoid any and every situation which can lead us to temptation.

5) Joseph ran out. (Gen.39:12). He ran away from the person and place of temptation. He didn't go back even to take his coat. He was willing to face the wrath of Potiphar's wife rather than facing the wrath of God. 

Lord, help me to overcome all the temptations in my life and never sin against you.


Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Day 9 - Gen. 37-40 - Joseph the Dreamer

'Joseph the Dreamer' 
            (pic from

Day 9 - Gen. 37-40
 *Joseph and his dreams* 
 Joseph was Jacob’s beloved son. He loved him because he was the son of his old age born to his beloved wife Rachel.  Joseph was 17 years old when he received dreams (Gen. 37: 7, 9). He went through so many sufferings and distresses for 13 years. At last, when he was about thirty his dreams came to pass (Gen. 41:46). He became the prime minister of Egypt. 

What do we learn from his dreams?

*God has a plan for every child’s future.

*God reveals his plan even to children.

* God reveals his plan through dreams or visions.

*The dreams may be greater than our imagination.
*Some may not like God’s plan for our future.
*No one can destroy God’s plan for our life.

*The steps toward fulfilling our dreams may not be what we expect.

*The steps may be painful.

*God will organize people and the situations to lead us in every step.

*God will give us His grace wherever we are and whatever may be the situation.

*Our faithfulness to God will be thoroughly tested.

* Sometimes it may seem like all is gone.

* We need to be sure that God is with us.

*God will be with us, if we really trust Him.

*God will surely fulfill his plan in His time.

*At the end we will be astonished to see our dreams fulfilled. 

 Young people! Ask the Lord to show you His plan. 
'Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him and He will act. (Psalm 37:5)

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Day 9
Genesis 40:23:- “The chief cupbearer, however, did not remember Joseph; he forgot him.”

Here Joseph is in prison.

Joseph was put in prison for a crime he didn’t commit and was left there for 10 years.  This is horribly unfair and cruel to Joseph. After all, he had nothing wrong in this part of the story.  

In this chapter, two other men are thrown into the same prison as Joseph was;the cupbearer and the baker  in Pharaoh’s government.

Then one night, both men had a dream. By God’s help Joseph interpreted their dreams. And then, Joseph asks a favor from his new friend saying, “When all goes well with you, remember me and show me kindness, mention me to Pharaoh and get me out of this prison.” 

 Friends will abandon us, family will let us down and people will persecute us for all sorts of reasons.

*Here Joseph might have felt that, not just the cupbearer, but God had forgotten him too.*

 *Joseph went from high hopes to no hope‑‑but God alone.*

*God uses disappointments to bring His servants to the place where their only hope is in Him.*

Do we sometimes feel forgotten by God in the face of the brokenness of our world? 

*Some of us are in the middle of some difficult disappointments.*

May be it is a very serious situation that hasn’t turned out as we wanted it to.

May be we had high hopes, but now we have no hope. 

God has promised us:  “Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you”  (Hebrews 13:5;  Deuteronomy 31:6).  

He assures us that he will never forget us:  “I will not forget you” (Isaiah 49:15)!

*Yes!!!!!  Hope in God, He will continue to be with us and bless us.*

God Bless You
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Bro.  Joshua

Day 1 - 270 Days Bible Reading and Meditating Program

"Let there be light"

The portion of the Bible chosen to be read from the Bible is Genesis 1 to 4.

Beginning of creation.

The first eleven chapters of the book of Genesis is arranged as a prologue  or a preface to the book.

        In the first part, the immense glory of God is revealed.

 The order of creation can be classified into seven parts:

They are as follows :
1. The Light:    Genesis chapter 1 verses 1 to 5 

2. The water:    Genesis chapter 1 verses  6 to 10

3. The Earth:      Genesis chapter 1 verses 11 - 13 

4. Sun and moon: Genesis chapter 1 verses 14 to19. 

5. Living things: chapter 1 verses 20 - 23

6.  Breath: Genesis chapter 1 : 24 -31 

7.  Fullness:   Genesis chapter 2 verses 1- 3.

        The works of creation can very well be seen , in the first two chapters of the book of Genesis. And both of these describe the same act of creation and their witnesses.

          God made the world from nothing. God did not need any matter or matters to create this world. And all thrse we have believed and agreed with the  Truth. 


Genesis  1:3.  And God said  "Let there be light, and  there was Light.

       As we observe diligently and intently, we understand,  when He made light, we see the inception of the light has caused deliverance,  redemption, and the needful basis for salvation. 

John 1:5 says " God is Light and in Him is no darkness  at all "

 Light denotes understanding, Holiness, and righteousness,  while darkness is the cause of all sins,  evil, and folly.

  "That (He)  was the ' true  'light, that lighteth every man which cometh into the world". *Jn 1:9.

   But for this light,  there is no other light, for us to be saved, through the Truth. 

         Once it has happened to Apostle Paul on his way to Damascus, to see this light by himself. Since then, his life was changed altogether. 
   ( Acts 9:3, 26:13)

At first, when we set our faith on JESUS,  the Light of God began to shine in our hearts. Now we have fellowship with  God,  and brothers as we start to walk in the Light.  

          Even today God pronounces  "Let there be light" in every man. 

            May we receive this LIGHT and receive the glorious life. 

God Bless You
Bro. Joshua 



Reading and Meditating Bible is a lifestyle of a true follower of Christ.  This 270 Days program is successfully running around the churches especially many young people are finding it easy to complete full reading of the Bible along with mediating the Word of God as part of their daily devotion. 

Starting a day with the Lord is an amazing thing, the Bible says Proverbs 8:17 '...those who seek me find me'. When meditating becomes your life habit, none can stop you from growing in the Lord. Every saint in the bible had a lifestyle of meditating and connecting themselves to God. King David experienced God every time so he became the man with God's own heart.  The Christian life should keep growing, I encourage you to be part of it and follow daily reading and write you thoughts. If you want to share your thoughts you are welcome to write below the comments

Day 2. Genesis 5-10.
Day 3. Genesis 11-16
Day 4. Genesis 17-21
Day 5. Genesis 22-24
Day 6. Genesis 25-28
Day 7. Genesis 29-31
Day 8. Genesis 32-36
Day10. Genesis 41-43, God is in Control
Day 11. Genesis 44-47 - Everything is for Good
Day 12. Genesis 48- Exodus 1. Blessings on Judah
Day 13. Exodus 2-5. The Preparation Time
Day 15. Exodus 10-14. The Exodus, Our God is Great and Mighty
Day 16. Exodus 15-17 Let's Sing and Dance
Day 17. Exodus 18-22. Royal Priesthood
Day 18. Exodus 23 -26 Prayer Change Our Hearts
Day 19. Exodus 27-30 Anointing Oil the Holy Spirit
Day 20. Exodus 31-34 CLEFT OF THE ROCK
Day 23. Lev. 3-7  Altar Kept Burning
Day 24. Lev. 8-12 Day of Atonement
Day 25. Lev.13-15
Day 26. Lev. 16-19
Day 27. Lev.20 - 23
Day 28. Lev.24-27
Day 29. Numbers 1-3
Day 30. Num.4-6.

God Bless you
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