Friday, August 7, 2020


Leviticus 1 : 9 , 13 , 17 . Here it is written , how to give the offering  which is a sweet aroma to the Lord . But   today , according to new Covenant ,  this is changed  , made easy and absolutely free  . Let us meditate about this burnt  offering .

1 .   Here an animal which is  a male with out blemish from the herd , or sheep or goat or a turtle dove or young pigeon  was  offered as a sacrifice . But Jesus was the lamb of God who died for  our sins and His life  was given as a burnt offering .

2 . They sprinkle the blood of the animal all around the altar  . Yes , the blood of Jesus was shed on the cross in the Calvary .

3 . Aaron and his sons were the priests to offer this sacrifice  . But Jesus sacrificed Himself  for us and became the  High priest for us to plead for the remission of our sins .

4 .  The skin of this burnt offering  was peeled off and it was cut into pieces . Yes, we should remove all our  fleshy  works and traditions . We should remove all selfish works of  l , me , mine etc  .
They had to  lay the parts , the head  , the fat  in order , on the wood in the fire  . That means all our sins done by our  organs , our thoughts
  ( head ) , out pride , arrogance ( fat )  should be confessed ( arranged in order ) . All  intestines and legs should be washed  and then all should be burnt . Yes,  all our ( hidden and outward )sins should be washed by the blood of Jesus and should be burnt by the Holy Spirit  .

5 . Yes , this burnt offering made by fire  was a sweet aroma to the Lord . Today we should offer our body as a living sacrifice which is  holyand acceptable to the Lord  .Romans 12 : 1 . When a person is saved like this , there will be great joy in Heaven .

6 . Those days they had  to pay the ransom for the animal , for the redemption of their sins . But today  we are blessed to have this redemption of sin,  free of cost  at any place,  at any time , because Christ has paid the penalty for our sins on the cross .

Yes, let us thank God for the redemption of our sins which is given us,  freely through Christ . Amen . Hallelujah .

God Bless you
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