Friday, August 7, 2020

Day 21 Exodus 36:5 - Offering for God’s service

Offering for God’s service

 Exodus 36:5 "And they spoke unto Moses, saying, The people bring much more than enough for the service of the work, which the LORD commanded to make."

The people of Israelites willingly contributed. Whatever they brought was made by their labor; thread, goats’ hair yarn, and the like (See Exodus 35:25-26).  

They gave as much as they could for the service of the Lord. The supply then surpassed the request. After that no more offerings were required. They were requested not to bring anymore.

This shows their enthusiasm to give for the Lord’s work. What a wonderful lesson we are learning from them.

 Many small churches and mission fields lack giverss.They have a problem of having enough money to even keep the doors open.

 If members of churches everywhere had the enthusiasm in giving like these people did, God's work could be carried on. 

Some have misused the offering which God's people have offered for the work. So some of the people even they want to give, they do not know where to give. May the Lord guide them.

May the Lord help us to give willingly and generously for God’s work!

God Bless you
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