Friday, August 7, 2020

Day 24 Levi 11:45 Day of Atonement

Leviticus 11: 45:-   "For I am the Lord, who brought you up from the land of Egypt, to be your God; thus you shall be holy for I am holy.”

Leviticus 11-16 deals with the classification of “clean” and “unclean” food (chapter 11) and rites of cleansing (chapters 12-15). 

It closes with the procedure for celebrating the Day of Atonement to cleanse the people and God’s sanctuary (chapter 16).

*Cleanliness was something that was important to God.  And not just being physically clean.*

 God instructed that Aaron, the high priest, and all the other priests had to be clean before approaching him.

Also  God demanded that they be clean – both physically and spiritually – before they could serve before God.  

 Think about what “clean” means to God.  It means being clean from sin, perfectly pure, without sin.  

*Where do we stand on the issue of cleanliness?-

*How clean are we?*  
Not a personal hygiene question – but a spiritual one.  

We dirty our minds with our wrong attitudes,  our unkind words,  our actions stained with wrong motives, our thoughts covered with selfishness, our thoughts of anger or revenge, our mouths with profane words and gossip, even our actions show the dirtiness of sin in our heart.  

We are in desperate need of a spiritual bath, a spiritual cleansing.

*We are all dirty; we all have sin in us.*

 When we accept Christ as our Lord and Savior, the Holy Spirit comes to live in us, and He guides us.
 He will lay it on our heart when we sin.

So turn right and ask for forgiveness; Just like when we are wearing a clean dress and we spill something on it, we don’t just sit there, we try to clean it right then.

*Be washed, be cleaned, and let Jesus wash away all our sins.* 

God Bless you
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Day 23 - Lev 6:12 Altar Kept Burning

*Leviticus 6:12…."* The fire on the altar must be kept burning; it must not go out."  

Here God is instructing the priests that they are to keep the fire burning. 

The priests had to keep the fire of the burnt offering going. 

The aroma that pleased God rose into the heavens twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. 
This was an ongoing sign that the people's sin was covered by these sacrifice
Fire symbolizes many things in the bible.  
📍Fire symbolized the holiness of God. 
📍Fire can represent the judgment of God
📍The fire of God in the bible represents God’s presence for the church.
📍It also represents the presence of the Holy Spirit. 

*How do we keep the spiritual fire burning in our life?* 

*If we want to keep the fire burning,*
……………….  *start our day focused on the fire.*  
In other words,add firewood to the fire everyday.

God’s people are to keep the fire of the Spirit fueled by …………..
📍a constant study of the Word of God applied to every area of life 
📍obeying God in all things
📍Walking with Christ

*On the altar of our heart, we need to keep the Fire to be burning, and never to go out!*

God Bless you
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Day 22 Leviticus 2 Offering

 Meal offering (Not meat-offering, in olden days, the word ‘meat’ was used for food; but now ‘meat’ refers meat.)

Israelites were commended to offer meal offering. They were asked to follow some instructions and offer the following. 

Verse 1 says, “And when any will offer a meat offering unto the LORD, his offering shall be of fine flour; and he shall pour oil upon it, and put frankincense thereon:”

1. Fine flour:  Fine flour, is the main element of the meal offering. This fine flour signifies Christ’s humanity. He is the fine flour. With Him there is no roughness.

We are rough and coarse. Fine flour is made by crushing and grinding the grain. We must allow ourselves to be crushed so that we can be used to be offered to the Lord. 

2. Oil: Oil is the commonly accepted symbol of Holy Spirit. To make any offering acceptable to God, it is necessary to anoint with Holy Spirit. 1 John 2:20 

3. Frankincense: Scent represents God's satisfaction in accepting  our worship of Him. 
Frankincense gives sweet smell when it is bunt out. This shows our attitude and endurance during our trials and service to fellow man.
4. No leaven: Verse 11 says, “No meat offering, which ye shall bring unto the LORD, shall be made with leaven.” 
Unleavened signifies what we should be. We should be pure and free from all error. Leavened flour makes everything sour and spoils everything which is in contact with. 

5. Nor any honey: Honey is sweet and fragile which cannot be heated. God's worship is not to be governed by men's fancies and appetites but by God's will.

6. First fruit: Verse 12 says, we must offer the first fruits which mean the best part of ours is God’s and not the least.
7. Salt: Verse 13 says, “And every oblation of thy meat offering shalt thou season with salt.” 
Salt was being made absolutely necessary in all their offerings. Salt is used as a preservative. So it protects the things from getting spoiled. 
God's covenant with Israelites, which was designed by salt, Numbers 18:19. This refers our endurance. We should follow Christ whatever may be the circumstances. Our relationship with the Lord should never end.

Let's commit ourselves as a living sacrifice to our Lord. 

Day 22 Exodus 40:16 Commandment of Yahweh

Exodus 40:16:- “Moses did it, “according to all that Yahweh commanded him”.

The book of Exodus began with the children of Israel in bondage in Egypt. 

 It ends with them, a redeemed people, who completed the building of the tabernacle in the wilderness.  

The baby boy in the bulrushes became  their God-appointed leader.  

*What a blessing to be led by someone who knows the Lord!*

In this last chapter of Exodus we see, God told Moses how to build the Tabernacle. 

Moses carefully obeyed God’s instructions to the smallest detail. 

In verse 33,  "So Moses finished the work."  No loose ends remained for someone else to bind.

Upon the completion of the work,  *what is the result of such obedience?*


We're reminded of Jesus, who came to do His Father's will.  

He came into the world to save sinners, to die in our place for our sins.  

He prayed to the Father, that  “I have finished the work which You have given Me to do."  

The Father was glorified through the finished work of Christ. 

*What is God's will for our life?*  

*What does He want us to do?*

God doesn’t want us to just *SIT and WATCH*. 

He has invited us to be part of all that He’s doing. 

 Paul wrote just before he died a martyr's death, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."  2 Timothy 4:7.  

Take heed to fulfill HIS ministry!

God Bless you
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Leviticus 1 : 9 , 13 , 17 . Here it is written , how to give the offering  which is a sweet aroma to the Lord . But   today , according to new Covenant ,  this is changed  , made easy and absolutely free  . Let us meditate about this burnt  offering .

1 .   Here an animal which is  a male with out blemish from the herd , or sheep or goat or a turtle dove or young pigeon  was  offered as a sacrifice . But Jesus was the lamb of God who died for  our sins and His life  was given as a burnt offering .

2 . They sprinkle the blood of the animal all around the altar  . Yes , the blood of Jesus was shed on the cross in the Calvary .

3 . Aaron and his sons were the priests to offer this sacrifice  . But Jesus sacrificed Himself  for us and became the  High priest for us to plead for the remission of our sins .

4 .  The skin of this burnt offering  was peeled off and it was cut into pieces . Yes, we should remove all our  fleshy  works and traditions . We should remove all selfish works of  l , me , mine etc  .
They had to  lay the parts , the head  , the fat  in order , on the wood in the fire  . That means all our sins done by our  organs , our thoughts
  ( head ) , out pride , arrogance ( fat )  should be confessed ( arranged in order ) . All  intestines and legs should be washed  and then all should be burnt . Yes,  all our ( hidden and outward )sins should be washed by the blood of Jesus and should be burnt by the Holy Spirit  .

5 . Yes , this burnt offering made by fire  was a sweet aroma to the Lord . Today we should offer our body as a living sacrifice which is  holyand acceptable to the Lord  .Romans 12 : 1 . When a person is saved like this , there will be great joy in Heaven .

6 . Those days they had  to pay the ransom for the animal , for the redemption of their sins . But today  we are blessed to have this redemption of sin,  free of cost  at any place,  at any time , because Christ has paid the penalty for our sins on the cross .

Yes, let us thank God for the redemption of our sins which is given us,  freely through Christ . Amen . Hallelujah .

God Bless you
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Day 21 Exodus 36:5 - Offering for God’s service

Offering for God’s service

 Exodus 36:5 "And they spoke unto Moses, saying, The people bring much more than enough for the service of the work, which the LORD commanded to make."

The people of Israelites willingly contributed. Whatever they brought was made by their labor; thread, goats’ hair yarn, and the like (See Exodus 35:25-26).  

They gave as much as they could for the service of the Lord. The supply then surpassed the request. After that no more offerings were required. They were requested not to bring anymore.

This shows their enthusiasm to give for the Lord’s work. What a wonderful lesson we are learning from them.

 Many small churches and mission fields lack giverss.They have a problem of having enough money to even keep the doors open.

 If members of churches everywhere had the enthusiasm in giving like these people did, God's work could be carried on. 

Some have misused the offering which God's people have offered for the work. So some of the people even they want to give, they do not know where to give. May the Lord guide them.

May the Lord help us to give willingly and generously for God’s work!

God Bless you
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Day 21 Exodus 36:2 - Two Men With Spirit of God

Exodus 36:2
 “Then Moses summoned Bezalel and Oholiab and every skilled person to whom the Lord had given ability and who was willing to come and do the work.”

Two men, Bezalel and Aholiab, were called by God to give Him their artistic skill and labor. 
He had already empowered them by His Spirit to do the job He was calling them to do.

When Moses was looking for workers he wanted two qualities—God-given skill and willingness to do the work.

There are many talented people with ability but it’s not enough.

*Ability and willingness are the two things to be regarded in the call of ministers.*

The successful ones are those who are willing to do the work. God has a work for each of us and whatever God directs, He will supply. It also means giving our time, energy, and talents. 

God is still looking for our willing hearts today.

“LORD, please use us this day in Your kingdom!"

God Bless you
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