Thursday, August 25, 2016



What is a thermometer? A Thermometer is a device that measures temperature, means of converting this physical change into a numerical value.  Then what is spiritual thermometer? A device that measures your spiritual temperature means of converting your spiritual faith into a Spiritual values.  According to Holy Bible there are three kinds of temperature Hot, Lukewarm, and Cold. How can we know our temperature here are some basic principles which help one to find our his own spiritual temperature. Just for thought if Science could find a real spiritual thermometer, then priest/pastor/church won’t die in dying world.    

There are many teachings, doctrines, denominations, churches, missions, visions, believes in Christianity all over the world. Bible didn’t divide in itself, but man divide it according to their own stand and experience of Christ.    

Here below ten principles that everyone should strictly follow in their spiritual life, whoever believes that by having faith in Christ will enter everlasting life. These principles are need to be applied and checked daily.

================Warning James 1:22=================
Be the doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves

10 Principles for Spiritual life

1.     Are you reading Bible Daily?
Word of God is the foundation for your life. (2 Tim 3:16-17)

2.     Are you praying daily with Faith?
We need to do God’s work with God in Prayer (Eph 6:18, 1Thes.5:16)

3.     Are you learning from the Bible?
Word of God helps us to Equip. (2Tim 3:16-17, Deut. 4:9, 6:7, 11:9)

4.     Are you interested in physical (worldly) things?
Set your mind on the above things. (Col. 3:2-3, I John 2:16)

5.     Are you worshipping in Spirit?
Know Him in Worship. (Ps. 51:16-17, John 4:24, Rom 12:2)

6.     Are you in the company of bad (evil) work?
Bad company corrupt the good character. (1 cor. 15:33] Prov. 24:1, Ps.1:1)

7.     Are you loving God?
If not you will not love people. Love God – Love people (Mark 12:30-31, Lk 10:27, I Jh 4:10)

8.     Are you Evangelizing?
Do you really care about people? First, seek His kingdom. (Mtt. 24:14, 28:19-20)

9.     Are you interested in checking your spiritual level?
Join other will prayer & seek spiritual company. (Heb. 10:24-25, Col. 3:16)

10.   Are you knowingly involving in sin and don’t want to repent?
There is no more blood to save you.  This is time to repent. (Heb. 10:26).

Readers’ comments are welcome, I humbly suggest everyone make a copy of these principles to paste it on your personal notice board or keep with you.  


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