Monday, March 7, 2016

Four Keys for Growing Life and For a Church

Four Keys for Growing Life and For a Church 

In a busy world how can a believer became a disciple of Christ and serve the Lord as a Church.  Four Keys to establish your Church and Spiritual Life in Christ.

 1.    GATHERING:- Heb. 10:25 “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some”  

The strength of God People is Church gathering, prayer cell, house prayer, fasting gathering, having fellowship with each other. We are well known about work and cunningness of Satan. From the beginning he able to deceive Eve very easily while she was alone still he uses the same tool attack God’s people who are alone.  When God’s people gather he flee from there because where 2 or 3 gather in His name presence of our Lord descend among us, we should aware of the Power of Oneness.  Gathering (fellowship) is also an essential Christian Fundamental Doctrine. Jesus, He said if Satan is divided how he could rule in his kingdom.  Even Satan has oneness among his spirit.  Dullness of heart, worldly expectation, stiffness cause hatting people around you and seek to blame others.First of all Satan makes us dull or weary about the gathering of God’s people, he knows that gathering will destroy his work.  When Peter was arrested Church gathered in night pray and result unnatural miracle event took place. In every in and out of Bible we see the strength and work of God when His people gather in the Name of the Lord. Result of gathering  Eg. Act 12:5 Peter deliverance, and experience of gathering of God’s people Eg. Act 2:1,2; 5:31 Power of Pentecost and Shaking, therefore we should seek the church gathering not only in Church building rather in houses, offices, tents and ever were to strength each other.  If you missing a church service due to job, important meeting, guest etc., try to meet in weekly prayers or make an appointment with pastor and church elders who are in spiritual concern.“One’s is Strength”From the beginning church to till date St. Paul warns the church don’t leave the (fellowship) gathering, whether it is Church, House Church, Prayer Cell, any prayer meetings.

Caution:- Does not in gathering blabber, blame, tall-bearer, complaint, dishonor, gossip in any of your gatherings.

2.    READ BIBLE:- II Tim 3:16-17
16All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 17. That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.’
Meditate the bible; share the biblical truth on base of reference.  Grow in the Lord and receive His revelation and insights. Gathering should encourage each other in spiritual realm.  You found problem of getting bore and weird of bible reading because you don’t read by this faith, that ‘Bible is God’s Word and through it God speaks to me’. Reading scripture is inspiration, guidance, leading, knowledge, life, wisdom, safety and all goodness in it. We can found many bible reference which shows what bible all about. 

3.    PRAYER (Mtt. 6:5-14, John 14:13-14)

Praying together is become an uncommon in today’s church.  Praying church is a growing church. A church servant/pastor call for people forcefully for every prayer gathering.  Today we have time for gossip, discussion of problem, parties, friends, programs etc, not time prayer for prayer, our prayer became rare. Oneness in prayer is moving the God’s throne at once into this world.  Laziness, tired, different thought, judging others prayer, distraction in thought, unbelief, interest less prayer, fleshly prayer, fainting etc, all because we feed our world man and he became strong in ungodly manner.

 4.    TELL OTHERS / BE A WITNESS (Mtt. 28:19-20)

Sharing our problem to others is more common as prayer points but how often we share what God had done in our life to a non believer or in any congregation.  This is one of powerful method for church growing, if you want to obey the great commission of our Lord (Mtt. 28:19-20). Share what you receive. Rejoice and tell the joy, celebrate it as the woman who found her lost coin, or the man who found his lost sheep! Gather more people to share the wonders and miracles, goods of God in your life.

 Finally, these are the main four key to grow in spiritual, bible revelation, and obedient disciples, disciplined spiritual life among church. Which will give a rapid growth in any ones life and church. Which Lord Jesus expect when He left this world committing His work to disciples.

God Bless You!!!

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